Never miss a call and benefit from much more time to build own business, handle new sales enquiries, and look after customers needing support. When someone calls your company, they’re looking for specific advice, information, and support at that particular time and there’s very little which frustrates customers as much as not having their calls answered.
Our expert team will have your business information at their fingertips, so when a client calls we know how to handle your call and have important information about your business to help make the callers experience one of pure professionalism. We greet your clients on the phone, answer in your business name and also have other vital information to help the call go smoothly. Your callers assume they are speaking with an in house PA from your own business and are unaware that they are speaking to a virtual PA.
We can also screen clients on your behalf and then either divert to your telephone number or take a message on your behalf. Our expert highly trained team are flexible so as your daily circumstances change so too can the call handling process. Out to a meeting? We can take messages, need a sale, we can screen the calls and then divert to you. Whatever your need we provide it within our leading professional virtual call answering packages.
Our call answering service and London telephone numbers give your business instant prestige and will help impress your client, all for a fraction of the cost of a real London PA.
Our team answers calls in your company’s name using an 0203 number. You can also choose to use an existing number that you own, simply setup a divert to the number we provide you and we will answer your calls seamlessly. As soon as someone is trying to get in touch, we’ll answer the call for you and send the message to your email address. You can even tell us to transfer really important callers direct to your phone.
We include unlimited calls without any additional cost per call. Our answering times are 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Outside of hours calls will go into a private voicemail which can be personalised by you.
Every call is answered by our UK based team, all of whom are fully trained in your business and what it does.
For help and advice on making sure your telephone calls are always answered quickly and professionally, please call us on +44 (0) 207 689 7888 or email us at [email protected].
Answering during business hours
Our team operate between 9am and 5.00pm - prime business hours - making sure that your customers hear a friendly voice on the end of the phone. If your customer is calling to order.
All UK-based
The cheapest call answering services farm your customers and suppliers to overseas contact centres. Call handlers not based in the UK tend to result in much lower levels of client satisfaction than the positive feelings a customer experiences when their call is being answered by a member of staff here in Britain. As far as we're concerned, when we're answering your calls, we are your employee and we take your customers' satisfaction very seriously.
All calls human-answered
We don't ask customers to hold before they speak to one of your outsourced handling team - as soon as your customer's call is answered, they speak with one of our trained operatives.
We take a name, a number, and a message
Whether we're answering a sales call, a service call, or a call from one of your suppliers, we'll take as much information down from the call as possible so that, when you or one of your colleagues picks up your messages, you have all the information you need to prepare for a successful outcome.
Tell us how you want us to answer your call
We're your call centre and we do things your way. Let us know how you want us to greet callers at the start and the end of the call. Give us as much information as you can so that, when we're training our team to answer calls on your behalf, we sound as if the call is being answered in your office by one of your very own employees.
Flexible call diversion service
Some calls are more important than others. Let us know who it is you want to take calls personally from and we'll make sure that their calls reach the number you give to contact you on us straight away. This is not included but will be charged at an additional cost.
Full reporting
As soon as we've taken a call for you, we'll send you the caller's name, contact details, and the message to you or the member of the team that you nominate. Messages are sent instantly and automatically to your email address.
Our operators know who you are and what they want
Before we start answering your calls, we will get to know you and your business. We'll understand what you sell, how you work, and the relationship you have with your customers. As far as your customers are concerned, they must believe that, when we answer the call, we're your actual employee sitting in your office, not part of an outsourced messaging service.
We gathered all questions you may have about our company, process, packages and pricing.
Company formation, or company registration, incorporates a business in the UK with Companies House, the official registrar of companies for England and Wales. The process creates a legal entity with a separate identity from its shareholders.
No. You do not have to live in the UK to register a UK company. The law allows foreign individuals and businesses to form companies in the UK subject to the following requirements —
Consider engaging the services of a solicitor, accountant or agent like Your Company Formations to help you comply with all the requirements of forming and running a successful enterprise in the UK as a foreigner.
When you form a company using our service, we only require you to complete the online forms. A new limited company formation also requires a registered office address, a director and a shareholder holding at least one share. You can use our professional address services if you would prefer to keep your business or personal Director’s address private.
There are no hidden costs for any of our packages. We advertise a fair, transparent cost for our services, so no unexpected fees are added at the end of the checkout process. We include the Companies House charge of £50.00 with all our formation packages. This fee is charged on all new formations and is included in the price you see.
A Limited Company requires at least one share per shareholder, with a minimum of one shareholder. There is no limit to the number of shares held by a shareholder.
When you form a company through us and opt for an introductory bank or merchant account offer, we will send your details directly to the company. A representative will then contact you to set up a meeting. Once your account is open, you can claim your cashback by logging back into our company manager account.
Once your application is completed, we will set up your company within 3 working hours, dependent on companies house workload on the day. You will receive a notification telling you that your application has been approved. Digital copies of your company documents in PDF format will be sent to your email address. Once this is completed, you can immediately begin trading with your company.
Yes, You can form your limited company - it can be owned, managed and run by one person. The person would act as the sole director and shareholder of the company.
Additional Services
Financial Services
Why trust us?
Thousands of happy client
They have an excellent array of services and business tools as a Company, they are perfect for the up and coming Entrepreneurs and the Swashbucklers, established businesses too.
Les - Trustpilot
We plant a tree with every new client order
Many of our clients require meeting room space to meet their clients. We provide modern meeting rooms at your registered office location in central London. They are fully equipped with fibre optic broadband and present an excellent venue to meet and greet clients and customers.
We can provide free qualified guidance to help get youstarted with your business needs.
Only £29 Per Year
Registered Office Address
We offer a service that allows business owners the use of our prestigious address as if it were their own, and get official mail passed on to them hassle-free and confidentially without compromising their private residential address.
Read MoreOnly £98 Per Year
Business Trading Address
Our service allows you to receive your company’s correspondence at our central London location as if it were your own, giving the appearance of your business being based in the heart of the capital.
Read MoreOnly £29 Per Year
Director Service Address
Companies House legally require all directors of UK companies and partners of LLPs to register a directors business address for the public record.
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The company's explanation videos and the sheer amount of relevant information made me choose them. A...
Ahmed Hassn, 45 minutes ago
The company's explanation vide…
The company's explanation videos and the sheer amount of relevant information made me choose them. A...
Ahmed Hassn, 45 minutes ago
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