Set up a charity company. Use your own Articles or edit our model 'Charity' Articles.Set up a charity company. Use your own Articles or edit our model 'Charity' Articles.Set up a charity company. Use your own Articles or edit our model 'Charity' Articles.The company structure we offer is a company limited by guarantee. We provide Model Charity Articles, which you can edit and insert your company's objects. Alternatively, you can use your own Articles. We recommend all clients who want charity status for their company, to follow the Charity Commission's guidance on how to draft charitable objects.
Note: This package does not include registration with the Charity Commission, which is an option you may choose later.
Register your company in the UK, with a strong Central London business address and begin with the strongest foundation for success. We offer easy, reliable international business registrations for non-UK residents.
Contact us for personalised, no-cost expert guidance tailored to your business requirements.